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Salary Information
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SalarySearch is an online salary database from The Reward Group that benchmarks remuneration based on information from employers all over the UK, listing the pay levels of over 600 job and company types. The site is primarily geared to employers to allow them to compare the benefits, packages and remuneration they offer with their peers. Subscription required.
It's not a terribly subtley-named site, but's Tax Calculator is a useful little tool to work out how much the taxman would leave you to live on if your salary was to change. This is calculated using your current or desired net salary minus income tax, national insurance and including the children's tax credit.
Regional Salary Calculator offer a salary calculator that can tell you whether the grass really is greener on the other side - or at least whether you could be earning more if you lived there. Their regional calculator works out much more or less you might expect to be paid if you lived somewhere else in the UK based on your current location and remuneration. Apparently mine would drop virtually anywhere, so I am staying put.
Joslin Rowe Recruitment
Are you being paid what you are worth? Joslin Rowe Recruitment have an online salary review calculator that could help answer that question. Using simple drop down menus to select options such as permanent or temporary, location and sector it's quick and easy to find out.
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