Home Shopping

This is a list of selected top websites about Home Shopping. If you know of a better resource, why not submit it to Questfinder.com?

Jewel in the Crowd

Jewel in the Crowd sells both contemporary and classic mens and womens jewellery, with a wide selection of necklaces, rings, pendants, key rings, bracelets and earrings on offer. They also are a good source of information on jewellery including proper care and explanation of hallmarks.

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On Catalink you can order the UK\'s Premier Mail Order Catalogues & Brochures all in one place, for free. You just need to register with them and then you can do a search through their catalogues to find the ones that interest you most.


This site doesn't do straight price comparisons between retailers/products. Instead it lists product options by price, allowing you to see what options are available and which is cheapest. They also offer an email alert service which die hard bargain hunters might find useful.


EmpireDirect is an online electrical superstore selling top brand electrical goods, including audio, video and appliances. Orders can be throughout the UK. Their site also offers a stock clearance area, promotions and a finance area.

Touchlamps and Novelties Lighting

Touchlamp designs depicting flora or fauna scenes on stained glass panels and other novelties lighting to complement any decor.

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Catalogue City

This is perfect place for home shopping addicts. Not only can you find, view and order mail order catalogues from close to 100 home shopping retailers, you can view each merchant\'s shipping charges, returns policies and other information. You can buy from any of the catalogue shops without leaving this site.


The index site has a new look and many new products to go with it. It's easy to navigate around as the design is bright and clear. Purchasing online is easy enough but if you're stuck they have customer services to help you out.

Your rights - Shopping from home

From the Office of Fair Trading, this site is well worth a look for anyone who shops online frequently. It contains information about your rights when buying online, things to check before buying, buying from abroad, internet scams and what to do if things go wrong.